Pediatric Acupuncture
As parents we always want the best for our children.
In the United States the number of children falling into un-wellness gap has been on the rise. One in three American children are affected by asthma, allergies, skin problems, digestive issues, autism, ADHD and for every child who is diagnosed, there are many more who suffer silently.
Our food supply and environmental triggers have changed dramatically in the last decades and these factors affect gut flora, immune function and overall health in children. Unexpressed emotions, overstimulation (too much computer/TV time) can lead to anxiety, depression, social isolation.
Our approach in Chinese Medicine is to strengthen and regulate the element from the five element theory that is most out of balance. When children are given acupuncture treatments and dietary recommendations, their overall health tends to shift quickly. As parents we need to pay attention to feeding children a proper and balanced diet by cooking grains, vegetables and feeding organic easy to digest food, avoiding cold and raw vegetables, fruit, processed food and dairy.
How do we treat children?
Typically, pediatric acupuncture treatments involve a number of needles that is equal to or less than the child’s age. Needle retention is shorter. Not all treatments require acupuncture. We may use Tui Na, cupping, guasha or moxibustion with herbal medicine.
Children respond very well to Chinese medicine. We ask that a parent stays in the room during acupuncture treatment with any child under the age of 16.