Cosmetic Acupuncture
Beauty from the inside out.
Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Safer alternative to surgery or Botox
Improves muscle tone and skin texture
Boosts collagen and elastin in the dermis to reduce wrinkles, filling in fine lines, crow's feet
Stimulates the function of the facial nerves responsible for maintaining motor function
Reduces puffiness and swelling
Cosmetic acupuncture is a cosmetic treatment and extension of traditional acupuncture. Unlike injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only the signs of aging but also the skin's overall health by improving muscle tone, clearing away toxins through the blood stream.
Cosmetic acupuncture sessions give you the best results when following our protocol.
12 sessions are recommended for longer lasting results. Frequency of sessions 2 times a week the 1st month and weekly treatments the second month.
Our acupuncture practitioners are certified in cosmetic acupuncture.