Moxibustion is the second most popular therapeutic modality used in conjunction with acupuncture in the clinic.
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which a dried medicinal herb called “moxa” is burned on an inserted acupuncture needle or above the affected acupuncture meridian. The warm, acrid heat of the moxa plant Artemisia Vulgaris penetrates deep into the tissues, reaching the meridians and traveling to the organs.
After moxibustion patients report feeling warm and relaxed.
The technique is used to invigorate and warm the flow of energy and blood in the body. Moxibustion is helpful for pain conditions, to dispel cold, phlegm or water accumulation, to reduce inflammation, to boost vitality, strengthen immune system and organ function.
Moxibustion is very effective in the treatment of gynecological conditions and to turn breech babies.