What to expect on your first acupuncture visit
What to expect
New patient or first visits take about 80 minutes from the time of arrival. Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment to fill out the new patient forms. We ask that you provide us with your medication list and a copy of any significant blood work.
We recommend you eat a light snack before coming in, and refrain from alcohol and coffee on the day of your treatment. Patients should prepare to wear loose fitting clothes if possible, otherwise a gown/blanket can be provided for draping to allow access to the legs and abdomen.
Your acupuncturist will conduct a thorough intake, asking questions about your overall health and specific questions to your primary health concern. After assessing your tongue and feeling the pulse, your acupuncture practitioner will have your traditional Chinese medical diagnosis. Your acupuncturist will explain the root cause of your symptoms and how acupuncture works. She/ he will set a clear treatment plan for you based on the duration and severity of your ailment. Typically acute conditions resolve within 2-3 sessions, chronic conditions may require a longer course of treatment, such as weekly for 2- 6 months depending on the severity of the ailment.
Needle retention and relaxation is 40 minutes from the time your acupuncturist makes sure you are comfortable.
After your initial acupuncture visit
It is very common to feel very light, energized or even tired, lethargic after your very first acupuncture treatment. It is important to follow your practitioner's instructions for best outcome. Hydration, rest and light physical activity is recommended 24 hours post treatment. During this first 24 hours the patient's body is going to go through healing changes, adjustments that can manifest in many ways.
We are here to support you along your healing process. You can always contact us with questions or concerns.